Something about me
Information production has been my line of work for the last 16 years, such as helping the City of Stockholm, the European Union, the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat and arts centre Färgfabriken reach out in original, engaging and efficient ways through words and images. In these cases I have worked as editor and project leader.
I produce video interviews och stories for the Internet. I help schools, companies producing educational materials, scientists and architects convey vital information to target groups on video using the web. Clients have been, amongst others, Liber Läromedel, Forum för Levande Historia, and an interview with an author presenting his new book published by Norstedts. As a writing journalist, my areas of work are mainly science, architetcure and education. I spent two years at Gothenburg university studying information production, journalism and television production -- after this period I studied political sciece and economics at Stockholm university for two years. Six months were spent at Universidad de Granada in Spain, and the same amount of time at Université de Grenoble in France, where my subjects were languages and Social Studies. I write and speak Swedish and English with fluency in both languages.
Best regards Timothy Tore Hebb
mob: +46 (0) 723 036 222 Gambrinusgatan 3 112 31 Stockholm Sweden